
Team Contract

Preliminary Information

Preliminary Information

Guiding Principles

  1. Collaborate to resolve disagreements through compromise
  2. Work towards innovation and creative strategies to success
  3. Positive attituted and optimistic outlooks, but be realistic too
  4. Everyone should be happy with the final product and the process to get there

Preliminary Focus on Purpose

  1. Purpose: Design a platform that will allow users to collaboratively share information based on location
  2. Team Goal: Learn more about the process behind designing a good product and how to make products more accessible to general demographics
  3. Target people interested in learning more about the world

Dividing Up the Teamwork: Group Roles

  1. Shared responsibility for leadership and power
  2. Rotation for roles/jobs that need to be done
  3. Note-taker will keep minutes and share with the group after meetings

    List of items already accomplished

    List of items to be accomplished

Dividing Up the Task: The Divsion of Labor

  1. Shared responsibility for labor
  2. Creation of a task list (ongoing and consistently updated) and equal delegation based on skills)

Developing a Team Plan

Group Proposal:

  1. Create Logo
  2. Decide on Team Name
  3. Revise feedback from individual proposal
  4. Create Github project page
  5. Create page for contract
  6. Create page for proposal
  7. Add citations and source materials along with team information
  8. Create links to project page on individual course pages

Meeting Management

  1. Meetings as frequently as needed, default to once a week
  2. Doodle polls or group messages fro scheduling
  3. Attend meetings that you have committed to but understanding extenuating circumstances
  4. Positive attitudes but everyone has bad days
  5. Stay focused, allow for positive and negative feedback
  6. Everyone contributes and pays attention, one at a time
  7. Majority rules for decision making, aim to compromise

Accountability Processes

  1. Expectation is if you are assigned a task, you are responsible for completing it
  2. Use of the task list to delegate and track which members are

Rewards and Punishments

  1. Team works together to mitigate disruptions and disruptive behavior
  2. Failure to meet commitments will result in poor final team feedback, but steps will be taken before then to make necessary adjustments accordingly
  3. Success will be rewarded with good final team feedback and a better product; internally, should be recognized by the team
  4. Check negatvie feedback to ensure it’s not an outlier, but make strides towards minimizing issues


  1. Should issues with the contract arise the group will discuss concerns
  2. Bring up issues in the group char or during meetings
  3. Majority rules for revisions
